
Dairy farming is an important aspect of agriculture, and “smart dairy farming” might sound like an oxymoron, but it is a reality now. Large dairy farms with more than 100…

This blog aims to explain how a smart cattle monitoring system assists in successful artificial insemination in cattle. Artificial insemination is a practice followed by dairy farms to achieve higher…

Virtual fencing for cattles is a technology that has emerged recently to assist farmers in livestock management.  We all are very well aware of the term fencing. Traditionally, cattles are…

Milk is a primary source of nutrition and there are more than 11 billion consumers of milk throughout the world. No matter how popular soy and almond milk have become,…

Fitcows cattle monitoring system offers effective heat detection in cattle. In every dairy business, the primary objective is to maintain peak milk production for a longer duration. This is achieved…

Managing a dairy farm with a large number of cows is a complex and very tiring job. But still, it’s important to take care of the cattles. That’s why we…

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